Peepal Farm Logo PEEPAL FARM

About Us

Our story

Peepal Farm is a stray animal rescue, and an awareness organization, working to help animals heal and be heard.

Instead of living just because we are born, we wanted to live deliberately - in accordance with our philosophy of life. We had started doing good because of our philosophy; then we learnt it feels great too :)

Located in Village Dhanotu (District Kangra, Himachal Pradesh, India) it started out as our home that we built with space for injured stray animals, for people who want to help, and for us to be able to grow our own food.

On December 9, 2014 we started construction. Instead of putting in a swimming pool, we built a cow shed. Instead of an entertainment room, we made a clinic. Instead of having master bedrooms, we made rooms for those who want to come here and experience a simple, and purposeful life. By April 2015, we were operational.

In 2016, we started a women-powered small scale social enterprise as an effort to spread the word about our work.

In 2018, we started leveraging social media for our awarness work, which till that time had been limited to nudging people who were passing through.

By 2021, our rescue work had outgrown our small clinic, and we started building a separate, larger facility for it close to our farm.

In 2022, we started a sanctuary for permanently disabled equines.

On September 1, 2023 our new animal hospital was operational. Peepal Farm now serves as our home office, and foster space for dogs who are looking for homes. It is also home to nearly 40 resident animals.

Founders' Philosophy

Live to do maximum good; live while causing minimum harm.

It's our understanding that involuntary physical suffering is an absolute bad across all species; so reducing suffering, and nurturing changes that reduce suffering is absolutely good.

Why Peepal Farm?

Running on the animal welfare treadmill for some time we had two realizations.

  • The only way to bring lasting change is to change how people think. Just the way a Peepal tree sprouts on an old building un-invited and it's roots form these cracks making space for new growth, we wanted to challenge the statu quo making room for fresh thought.

  • To scale the work at which it needs to done, we need to share it. So, we have to involve others, and inspire them to do what we are doing. A Peepal tree - as big as it would get - will only cover a finite area, but its fruits can be carried by birds and other critters to other places, and sprout more trees...covering more area, and spreading more seeds.


A world where animal suffering is on the decline.


To help animals heal, and be heard.


To help animals heal

To help animals be heard

  • Awareness
    Our awareness content reaches millions of people, and has been viewed over a billion times.