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How To Help Animals

There are many ways that we can help animals in our neighbourhood. This list tells you where you can start, and progress, to help reduce their suffering.

  • Start feeding strays Learn what to feed here.
  • Put out water. Dogs, cats and birds will appreciate this. It is especially important during the hot summers. It can be a difference between life and death.
  • Put a bed outside your house. Strays can use a comfy place to sleep. This can be anything as simple as a doormat or a bori/gunny sack. It is a great addition to a water bowl.
  • Don't use sticky mouse traps. These are just cruel! The mice will have a slow and painful death. At Peepal Farm we use catch and release traps that do no harm.
  • Support of people who feeding strays. Some people get harassed for feeding strays. If you see this happening, stand up for them! We need to defend each other. Let them know that they have your support.
  • Start feeding a stray animal. They will love you for it! It will help them stay strong and healthy. You can start making new friends every time you leave home.
  • Make a list of your local rescues and doctors. If you see an injured stray animal you will already be prepared to help them. People For Animals has created a list of organizations. It will not have them all but is a great place to start.
  • Learn first aid. You can start doing your own minor treatments in the street. The best way is by volunteering at a rescue or vet. Good thing you already made a list of your local organizations! Vets Who Care is a great online resource to ask specific treatment questions.
  • Foster. Not sure if you're ready to take on the responsibilty of adopting a dog? You can foster! A foster is some one who provides a tempory home for an animal in need. It is often while they are looking for a forever home. This can be a big help for rescue facilities and give an animal a loving home when they need it most. Once adopted they will move into their new home. This is a great way to see if adopting is right for you and you never know. You might just fall in love and choose to keep them forever!
  • Adopt! Rescue an animal from the street yourself or help out one of your local rescues. There are so many cats and dogs suffering in the streets. Very few kittens or puppies survive the tough life. They struggle to find their next meal, have clashes with abusive humans and have to learn to avoid fast moving vehicles. Don't separate a puppy from its mother unless it is at least 2 months old. They need their mother's milk to get proper nutrition and build up immunity.
  • Reduce your consumption of animal products. This point is about something that we can stop doing. Stop, or reduce, your consumption of meat, eggs and dairy. Go veg-ish → vegetarian → veganishvegan. This helps keep animals away from these cruel industries. Check out our vegan FAQ page.

Remember these are just some examples. They are a good start but there are many other things that you can do to help animals.

Take the time to share all of the good deeds you are doing with your friends.You have the chance to inspire others! We always like seeing what good our friends are doing in Friends of Peepal Farm. Let’s make helping animals the new normal. Together, we can make a difference.

To find a community of like-minded individuals, make sure to join your local Humans Helping Animals whatsapp group. Here you can share information, stories and get help. Now you are ready to do good work, and feel great too!

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