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Save a Dog's Life: Become a Flight Volunteer!

People flying from India to Canada, USA, Europe, and Israel have an opportunity to deliver one of our dogs to their loving homes.


You don't pay ANYTHING.


With no hassle for you. We do all the booking and paperwork. You simply meet the pet travel agency and your flight buddy at the Delhi airport before your flight. Then you hand the paperwork to immigration at your destination.


You can fly easy, knowing you have saved a life!

Want more details?

Here's what happens when you are a flight volunteer:

  • You send us your flight confirmation, a picture of your ID, and contact information.
  • We check if dogs can be added to your flight.
  • If they can, we call the airline, book the dog, and pay the fees.
  • You meet us at the airport 3 hours before your flight.
  • We help you check in, give you your papers, and you head to your flight.
  • We take the dogs through security screening and go with them to the plane!
  • When you land, you hand the dogs' papers to immigration.
  • You meet the dogs and their adopters at baggage!

Congrats! You saved a life!

Can't fly? Visit our Chuffed campaign